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Some secrets about cat...

Scaling heights _4

After the conquest of the Everest by Tenzing and Hillary in 1953, the mountaineering institute at Darjeeling was established to develop interest in mountain -climbing among the Indians . expeditions have been sent to climb the highest peaks in the country.

  Mountain climbing is a thrilling brings into play the heroic qualities of humankind.mountaineers deserve all praise for their courage and recent years mt.everest has been scaled several times by foreign climbers.

    India too has organised several expeditions to everest .lately an Indian sherpa scaled the Everest without the use of  oxygen.....

   Mrs.bachchendri pal also succeeded in scaling the everest.she is the first woman to do it ....

      A reasearch team discovered in 1994 that everest continues To grow approximately 4mm every year due to geological uplift.....


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